How To Combat The Puppy Blues

How To Combat The Puppy Blues

Combatting the puppy blues.

Do you have a new puppy?

If so, congratulations! Puppies are the best! However, your happiness may be short-lived. Studies show that many owners experience post-puppy depression.

It’s not unusual for new puppy owners to experience a period of adjustment after bringing their furry friend home. But sometimes that adjustment can last a little longer than expected…

Is this feeling normal?  You had this wonderful vision of what life was going to look like when you welcomed your puppy to your home.

And this isn’t it…

You’re tired, you’re refreshing the mop bucket during toilet training ad nauseam and the teeth marks on your arm has you wondering, “was my puppy somehow crossed with a shark?”

It’s disappointing, upsetting, frustrating, and you might even be feeling like getting your puppy was a terrible idea. Don’t panic! It’s also normal!

Why is it normal? Because you are dealing with a puppy, the equivalent of a toddler in the terrible-two phase… Except you can’t find your left shoe because it’s being chewed on (even though you bought about 300 dog toys to amuse them).

If this sounds like you, here are a few tips to help you get through it.

Take a Break

Try to incorporate several breaks into your day. It can get difficult to be attentive, patient, and upbeat about integrating your puppy into your life all the time. Taking care of yourself is critical, and that includes allowing yourself to take a break. Whether it’s a 15 minute shower while your puppy is in their crate, a nap while someone else watches over them, or a full day while your dog is in day-care, make time for breaks!

Don’t be hard on yourself

Trust us when we say, you are not alone here. Puppies need attention, until they are at least one or two years of age. They have excessive amounts of energy and need plenty of play time, cuddles and love.

Look at it this way, your puppy has bonded with you, and that is adorable AF, he wants to be around you every waking moment.

Register for Puppy School

Puppy school is the perfect way to surround yourself with other new puppy owners and learn some fantastic training techniques.

Puppy school can give you the opportunity to connect with others who are experiencing the same positives and negatives as you.

Dealing with the puppy blues can be challenging, and when you’re waking up at 3:00am to calm your puppy you may feel overwhelmed… But on the other side of puppy blues comes a rewarding experience that provides you and your new furry friend with a life-long companion.

Remember that the most important thing for your puppy’s long term development is patience, proper training and care. We wish you the best in your experience as a new puppy owner, and promise you a rewarding relationship moving forward. 

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Let FleaMail be your puppy’s treatment companion so you can keep them up to date with their parasite prevention. This way you can focus on all the love and cuddles you’ll be sharing. Sign up today for just $10 and see how convenient FleaMail can be for you and your puppy.

Already have a four-legged member of the family? Share this post with your friends who are thinking about getting a puppy and help them make the right decision for their family!


Titer test: QLD pet anti-vaxxers use jab to avoid vaccination | The Courier  Mail

Dr Evan Shaw


Is my dog or cat warm enough in winter?

Is my dog or cat warm enough in winter?

Winter has well and truly announced itself in Australia in the last month, and it’s the perfect time to drag out the blankets and comfy winter clothes like the uggies if you haven’t already!

But WAIT, what about our besties?

It’s usually this time of year that longer-haired dogs are looking scraggly and ready for a trim, but should you get them clipped …what about short-haired pups, and cats?

This week we’re talking about the best ways to keep our fur kids warm and safe in these chilly months, and just as importantly – the signs that they may be getting too warm. So let’s get into it!

Guidelines for indoor winter pets.

Pets usually run a little hotter than us humans, especially dogs and cats with longer coats. The general rule is: They’re warm enough if you are (the exception is our hairless friends).

For indoor pets, often we need to look out for them being “too warm”. The first signs are your pet moving to a cooler room, surface or area – or excessive water intake.

So don’t be too offended if your pup gets off the couch and heads to the floor or another room, they’re likely just trying to cool down.

One thing to note, if you have central heating or a home with no “cooler spots”, be sure to monitor your pet closely and try to make a cooler place for them if they need it.

To clip or not to clip?

Your pet’s coat is like a big fluffy jumper, so clipping their coat would feel somewhat like taking a jumper off. Naturally, if your pet is always in a heated room (and covered when outdoors), clipping them is likely not a problem – but try limiting the clipping to only their feet and face, keeping some more length around the midsections.

Great groomers do “winter cuts” for this very reason.

If your pet lives outdoors or sleeps in the laundry etc: Then it’s recommended to leave their coats all winter unless it’s impairing their vision or movement. Just be sure to fill their kennels or sleeping area with blankets and check they aren’t wet in the morning.

It goes without saying, your pet MUST have shelter from the elements, but even undercover areas can get “frosty” in the mornings and their bedding can get wet. Be sure to check!!

Flea & Worming delivered by Aussie Vets, for less than $1 a day.

Washing your dog in winter.

Dogs love the park in winter, running helps warm them up and it’s great exercise to burn off built up energy. But quite often they’ll come back a muddy mess!

One quick hack is to take them in the shower with you (if not a Great Dane:) and wash them ONLY with lukewarm water and dog designed soaps – not human ones. Just ensure they’re fully dry afterwards.

Blow drying is usually not recommended as it’s hard to tell “just how hot” your pet is, but a towel wrestle can be fun!

Coats and jackets for heading outdoors.

When venturing outdoors with your pets like to the park, nothing’s as cute as a pug in a hoodie, and pet clothing isn’t just fashionable – it’s functional. Especially for those with shorter coats.

There are so many options nowadays when it comes to doggy coats and jackets. Follow a footy team, pick up your favourite team’s jersey! Got a favourite superhero or want something fun (pug life!), there are all kinds of accessories that can fulfil the fashionista in even the most discerning of Dachsies!

But remember the golden rule with accessories:
– is it comfortable and safe?

You need to make sure your pet has ample space to breathe and make sure the coat itself breathes. Avoiding synthetic materials is a good idea as these fabrics don’t provide the airflow most pets needs.

The other area to check is if the coat or accessory has any dangling cords or buttons that can be easily swallowed, cause constriction or destroy your pet’s teeth. Avoid all of these.

Winter for older pets.

For those that aren’t such spring chickens anymore, we have to keep a special eye out for them in winter. With a range of inflammatory and arthritic conditions affecting older pets, active warming or medications becomes more necessary when it’s colder. Elderly pets suffering from colder weather may also benefit from a visit to your local vet for a check-up.

As Dr Evan from FleaMail says “a lot of medical conditions are exacerbated by the cold as it affects circulation, blood pressure and exercise”. Something we look out with your pet’s Flea, Tick & Worming during winter – which really is a must (read more here on winter parasite protection). 

We hope that with these tips, all our little buddies are toasty and dry this winter and remember one of the best ways to keep your pets (and you) warm is a great big cuddle!

Flea & Worming delivered by Aussie Vets, for less than $1 a day.

Do I need to protect my cat or dog against fleas in winter?

Do I need to protect my cat or dog against fleas in winter?

Did you know that winter is one of the worst times for fleas in Australia?

Vet clinics are full of parasite cases because many pet-owners think these nasties simply “disappear” during winter and stop protecting their pets.

Sadly, these parasites don’t just disappear when it gets cold …or board a cruise ship to the Bahamas.

Instead, they find the next best thing – your pet’s fur and bed. It’s warm there, and like a cruise ship, includes an endless buffet of food. That food is your pet.

In winter, Fleas use your home to breed.

It’s lovely waking up to a warm heated home in winter, but consider the environment you’re creating.

It’s not just your dog or cat’s bed, like most parasites, fleas are attracted to the warmth and your home can quickly become the perfect place for breeding.

Your home can quickly become a breeding ground. 

A single Flea outbreak in winter can take months to stop.

That’s because around 95% of any flea infestation is made up of eggs and immature developing fleas, not the adults. These eggs usually live in carpets, furniture and other warm places like your mattress.

Fleas are also quite happy to live in temperatures over 8 degrees, so freezing them out is also impossible in Australia. An adult female flea can also lay up to 50 eggs per day. 

Once you get a flea outbreak, it can take up to 3-month to stop the cycle!

At this stage, you might want to consider that Bahamas cruise ship. Just be sure to burn all of your clothes and take a chemical bath before boarding the ship to not take the outbreak with you.

Flea & Worming delivered by Aussie Vets, for less than $1 a day.

How do you prevent Fleas in your home this winter?

Luckily for us, only ADULT fleas infest dogs and cats.

This means, that if you keep up your pet’s parasite-protection during winter (for fleas and other parasites like mites), you can avoid them breeding – and avoid an outbreak.

That’s why protecting your pet year-round is so important.

How common are Flea outbreaks in winter?

As a Vet I would estimate that around 30% of all untreated pets (and homes) are affected by Fleas in winter. They need to go somewhere after all. Other Australian clinics cite figures like 65% of untreated cats, and 47% of untreated dogs show signs of fleas during the winter month.

Yet, more than 20% of pet owners stop treating their pets in winter thinking they’re in the clear. It’s a terrible Australian misconception. Fleas and other parasites survive EU, UK and US winters. Our winters pale in comparison. Fleas aren’t going anywhere except into warm homes!

Ticks and mites share similar winter traits too, and that’s why a comprehensive plan matters. We’d recommend FleaMail as it’s super simple, affordable and delivered to your door each month when due.

But if you’d prefer to use another plan, please keep their protection up.

Flea & Worming delivered by Aussie Vets, for less than $1 a day.

How to look after your dog’s teeth, a Vet’s guide.

How to look after your dog’s teeth, a Vet’s guide.

Did you know that good dental health for your dog can mean an extra 4 years of life? Regularly checking and helping your pet keep their mouth healthy, is all part of good pet ownership.

Although more common in older dogs, dental decay problems can start as early as 2 years old, and is often diet related – checking the ingredients in your dog’s food is a great first step. Please contact us if you are unsure and our Vets will check your pet’s food: Contact our Vets here. 

Dental diseases can include:

– Consistently bad doggy breath
– Difficulty or change in eating speed
– Change or loss of appetite
– Visual tartar build up around teeth
– Bleeding and unusually red gums
– Pawing at the mouth
– Loose or loss of teeth

How does tooth decay happen? 

Just like in us humans, after a dog eats plaque builds up around teeth. If this plaque isn’t removed it turns into tartar, the hard browny-white substance you can sometimes see.

This tartar irritates the gum-line and causing gingivitis and bad breath. Left alone this can then exacerbate into gum ulceration, loose and then missing or broken teeth. Whenever you have ulceration or broken teeth you have an easy entry point for bacteria to infect the mouth and your pet’s blood which can be extremely painful and lead to death.

A lot of people also don’t know that bad teeth can also cause heart disease, a condition called endocarditis, which can be both debilitating and fatal.

Flea & Worming delivered by Aussie Vets, for less than $1 a day.

What can I do to keep my dog’s teeth clean?

First, giving a bone to a dog is NOT the same as brushing their teeth – more on bones in a future post!

For now, brushing your dog’s teeth with a toothbrush is something that you (and they) need to learn. The earlier you start the better to get into the right habit, but it’s easy to teach an old dog new tricks too.

Here’s the steps to make it easy and comfortable:

STEP 1 – PREPARE: It’s important to never restrain your dog while brushing their teeth. Sit with them on the floor and gradually work up. Also NEVER use human toothpaste on a pet as it can cause stomach upsets. Your local vet or pet store will stock doggy toothpaste that won’t make them sick. 

STEP 2 – BUILDING TRUST: Start by simply putting a bit of wet food on your finger and get your dog lick it off. As they do this try to rub your finger over as many of their teeth as possible – starting with the front ones. Do this for a couple of days gradually trying to touch or rub more teeth further back each day. Make these sessions short to begin with, then try to lengthen them a little each day.

STEP 3 – REMOVE THE FOOD: Gradually, introduce gauze over the finger and gently scrub the teeth in a circular motion. Ask your Vet about this gauze, or try using some super soft cotton cloth.

STEP 4 – INTRODUCE THE TOOTHBRUSH: It needs to be a soft toothbrush. You can use a pet-specific one or an “ultra-soft toothbrush” designed for people. Special pet toothbrushes and toothpaste are available from your veterinarian or speciality pet stores. Remember: don’t use toothpaste designed for people because it could upset your dog’s stomach.

And be sure to book in regular Vet appointments. Like us, all pets should have a regular dental check-up to examine their teeth and if necessary, a professional clean.

Flea & Worming delivered by Aussie Vets, for less than $1 a day.

Why does my dog or cat eat grass?

Why does my dog or cat eat grass?

As a Vet, I get asked regularly by worried pet owners about their dog, or cat eating grass – especially if they are eating grass and then vomiting. It’s been a long-held belief that pets (especially cats) eat grass to “tickle their throat to be sick.”

But far more often, chances are your cat or dog is “just having a chew”. Wild dogs and cats did it, and eating grass is most often a perfectly normal behaviour, especially for puppies and younger dogs.

Some researchers even suggest that dog’s and cat’s don’t have a high enough IQ to “decide” to treat an upset stomach with grass – but like all research, there’s always more that needs to be done.

Pica, a medical term you might hear.

Pica is the medical term we use to describe pets eating things that aren’t considered “food.” Pica can indicate that your pet could be malnourished, but with the quality of pet foods in Australia, it is VERY rare to see a malnourished family dog or cat.

Over-feeding on the other hand is super common. Pica involving grass is very common and Vets consider it completely normal.

Some grass-eating statistics.

Some dogs and cats actually love grass as the roots/stems can be very sweet, or it just feels good to chew on. But let’s summarise some stats from a few studies we looked at in Vet school – there’s quite a few online reports if you wanted to delve a bit deeper. Fewer than 20% of cats and dogs are actually sick after eating grass, and of those, very few are doing it for medical reasons.

Flea & Worming delivered by Aussie Vets, for less than $1 a day.

Even so, take precautions with your garden.

Please be extremely careful when using pesticides, fertilisers and herbicides on or near plant material which is accessible to your pets.

These can make your pets quite sick if enough of it is eaten or licked off the plant. Also if you are planting new plants in your garden please check carefully that they are non-toxic to pets.

Purple and red plans are big warning signs, so please double check before revamping your garden or indoor plants!

So what do you need to remember?

1. Dogs and cats eating grass are completely normal.
2. If your pet vomits after eating grass, keep an eye on it but don’t panic.
3. If vomiting is regular, getting a Vet check is recommended.
4. Some garden products or plants need to be avoided.
5. Remember to protect your pets against parasites.

 If you find your pet is eating grass but is okay, then don’t panic. But if they are unwell, please speak with your local vet to diagnose the underlying problem.

 … But remember that while eating grass is normal, be sure to see your local Vets if your cat or dog is regularly eating grass and sick, so they can diagnose the underlining problem.

Flea & Worming delivered by Aussie Vets, for less than $1 a day.

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